Expected results

Outputs/expected results

Through field studies in several locations and on different scales, it will be tested if it is possible to improve river fish populations by reducing cormorant foraging. Control effort, cormorant presence and fish density will be the three parameters monitored to be compared with similar data from control areas.

ProtectFish aims to develop management/policy recommendations based upon the project’s research outcomes and discussions organised with all relevant stakeholders.

Troughout the project’s course, ProtectFish will organise throughout the project’s course several events – conferences, fairs, and workshops – to further disseminate the scientific results and recommendations.

Another important project output is the development of an interactive map developed on the basis of the research performed by the University of Koblenz project partner. This map, which will be available on this website, will give an overview of the conservation state of listed river fish species in several EU Member States. On this map it will also be possible to learn about how they are monitored.

Finally, ProtectFish expects to be improving the definition of “favourable conservation status” of EU river fish and will test whether predation avoidance measures could help to reach the Good Ecological Status criteria for EU rivers required by the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD).